Murder by the Taliban is not an option

The Taliban are hunting women who served in the Afghanistan military alongside American soldiers

These women were members of Afghanistan’s army and police forces, including the Female Tactical Platoon (FTP), Afghanistan’s only all-female special operations force, which served alongside US special operations.

The Taliban are raiding their homes at night. They are capturing and torturing their relatives to gather information.

The Taliban are using biometric data and facial recognition software at checkpoints, and social media images to find these women and kill them.

These women are hiding in windowless rooms.

In cellars. Some with children.

Fearing capture, torture, and death.

We have found a way to rescue these women and their families.

We need your help.

*Actual texts received between May-July (2022) from Captain Spence

Who We Are

Rescue Afghan Women Now (RAWN) is a group of Americans dedicated to helping Afghan women who served in the army or police to escape capture, torture, and death at the hands of the Taliban. RAWN coordinates its efforts with various organizations, including members of the US military, veteran and intelligence communities, and non-profits.

Our goal is to rescue approximately 95 Afghan women who served in the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), as well as their spouses and children (for a total of over 200 individuals). The group comprises the remaining members of Female Tactical Platoon (FTP), other women in the Afghan National Army (ANA), and Afghan National Police (ANP) still stranded throughout the country. The FTPs are considered to be one of the most at-risk groups in Afghanistan, as reports indicate that the Taliban have “kill on site” orders.

Where your support goes

Your donation goes to save these courageous women. Your dollars support:

  • Wiring money via secure channels directly to individuals hiding in Afghanistan for food and shelter

  • Evacuating high risk individuals from Afghanistan

  • Supporting individuals in third party countries while long-term visas are processed